
msev` weÁwß

pic 1


wemwgj­vwni ivngvwbi ivwng
wk¶v                                                     HK¨                                                       cÖMwZ
evsjv‡`k RvZxqZvev`x QvÎ`j
kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq kvLv, wm‡jU|

msev` weÁwß
AvR 12/07/2011Bs evsjv‡`k RvZxqZvev`x QvÎ`j kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq kvLvi D‡`¨v‡M gw`bv gv‡K©U c‡q‡›U QvÎ`‡ji †K›`ªxq KwgwUi mfvcwZ myjZvb mvjvDwÏb UzKz, yyyyyyyyhyM¥ mvavib m¤úv`K Av‡bvqvi“j nK i‡qj,mvsMVwbK m¤úv`K Avwbmyi ingvb ZvjyK`vi †LvKb I Ievq`yj nK bvwmi Gi wbtk©Z gyw³i `vwe‡Z gvbeeÜb AbywóZ nq|gw`bv gv‡K©U c‡q‡›U †ejv 1NwUKvq gvbeeÜb ïi“ nq, G‡Z kvwe QvÎ `‡ji AvnevqK Gm.Gg Rvnvw½i e‡jb Awej‡¤^ QvÎ`j †bZv‡`i wbtk©Z gyw³ bv w`‡j ciewZ©‡Z AviI K‡Vvi Kg©m~wP †`Iqv n‡e|D³ gvbee܇b  Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb- hyM¥ AvnŸvqK ‡Rvev‡qi, hyM¥ AvnŸvqK g„Zz¨Äq wek¦vm,hyM¥ AvnevqK ev‡qRx` Lvb,hyMœ AvnevqK †g‡n`x nvmvb,wmnve Lvb,AvwkK,bqb,mvwR©j Lvb,  wRmvb, †iRv, gyiv`, kixd, gvRvi“j mywdqvb,cjvk,mn QvÎ`‡ji A‡bK †bZv Kg©x|

evsjv‡`k RvZxqZvev`x QvÎ`j,
kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦we`¨vjq kvLv, wm‡jU|


Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal

Bangladesh Jatiyotabadi Chhatradal (Bengali: জাতীয়তাবাদী ছাত্রদল Jatiyôtabadee Chhatrô Dôl), also known as JCD, is a student organization of Bangladesh that operates as the student wing of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).[1] Many of the top BNP leaders and policy-makers today have once been closely associated with JCD and came to acclaim as student leaders.
As the student wing of the BNP, Chhatra Dal goes by 19 major points[2], based on how the mother organization runs its political activities. After the Bangladesh Nationalist Party was founded by Ziaur Rahman, the necessity of a strong student organization was realized, after which Ziaur Rahman founded Chhatra Dol. Rahman's popularity as a radical reformer and charismatic appearance, especially to the youth of the country, triggered a mass recruitment to the organization at the first stages